151: </tr>
152: <tr>
153: <td class="text02">公司名称</td>
154: <td colspan="3"><input id=companyname style="width: 380px; height: 22px" size=53 name="companyname"></td>
155: </tr>
156: <tr>
157: <td class="text02">公司地址</td>
158: <td colspan="3"><input id=address style="width: 380px; height: 22px" size=53 name="address"></td>
159: </tr>
160: <tr>
161: <td class="text02">部门名称</td>
162: <td><input id=department style="width: 128px; height: 22px" size=18 name="department"></td>
163: <td class="text01">职称</td>
164: <td><input id=title style="width: 148px; height: 22px" size=21 name="title"></td>
165: </tr>
166: <tr>
167: <td class="text02">电话:</td>
168: <td><input id=telno style="width: 143px; height: 22px" size=21 name="telno"></td>
169: <td class="text02">传真:</td>
170: <td><input id=faxno style="width: 143px; height: 22px" name="faxno"></td>
171: </tr>
172: <tr>
173: <td class="text02">分机</td>
174: <td ><input id=ext style="width: 78px; height: 22px" size=11 name="ext"></td>
175: <td></td>
176: <td></td>
177: </tr>
178: <tr>
179: <td class="text02">E-Mail</td>
180: <td colspan="3">
181: <input id=email style="width: 380px; height: 22px" size=52 name="email">
182: </td>
183: </tr>
184: <tr>
185: <td>备注</td>
186: <td colspan=3>
187: <textarea name=Memo Cols="60" Rows="6" class='document-font'><% = trim(datas(4,i)) %></textarea>
188: </td>
189: </tr>
190: <tr>
191: <td colspan="4">
192: <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width= "100%" align=center>
193: <tr>
194: <td></td>
195: <td align=right><Input type="submit" Name="Finish-ed" Value=" 确定 "></td>
196: <td width="10%"></td>
197: <td align=left><Input type="reset" Name="Finished" Value=" 清除重填 "></td>
198: <td></td>
199: </tr>
200: </table>
14-6-4 存储用户信息
本段程序在执行的过程中,除非有语法错误,否则不会有画面显示。如希望看到执行的结果,必须进入SQL Server 2000中查看表的内容。这段程序的执行结果、程序内容以及程序说明如下所示。
MoreInfo.asp 程序段
230: <%
231: function WriteProcedures
232: strings = ""
234: if trim(request.form("Country")) = "other" & trim(request.form("OtherCountry")) = "" then
235: strings = strings & "Enter your Country, Please!\n"
236: end if
238: ' 未输入姓名
239: if trim(request.form("name")) = "" then
240: strings = strings & "Enter your name, Please!\n"
241: end if
243: if strings <> "" then
244: call showinfo(strings,"",0)
245: end if
247: Set OBJConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
248: OBJConn.Open "Trade", "test", "test1"
249: On Error Resume Next
251: SQL = "Select * from 用户基本信息 where 姓名='" & trim (request.form("name")) & "'"
252: Set Rs = OBJConn.Execute(SQL)
253: if not rs.eof then
254: Founded = True
255: else
256: Founded = False
258: ' 选择以 E-Mail 方式取得详细资料 , 但未输入 E-Mail 帐号
259: if request.form("GetMethods") = "0" and trim (request.form("email")) = "" then
260: strings = "Enter your E-Mail address, Please!\n"
261: end if
263: ' 选择以寄件的方式取得详细资料 , 但未输入地址数据
264: if request.form("GetMethods") = "1" and trim (request.form("address")) = "" then
265: strings = "Enter your Company Address, Please!\n"
266: end if
268: ' 选择以电话的方式取得联络 , 但未输入电话
269: if request.form("GetMethods") = "2" and trim (request.form("telno")) = "" then
270: strings = "Enter your Telphone Number, Please!\n"
271: end if
272: end if
274: if strings <> "" then
275: call showinfo(strings,"",0)
276: end if
278: ' UserNo <=0 表示数据库中没有该用户的资料
279: if Founded = False then
280: SQL = "Insert into 用户基本信息(姓名,性别,电子邮件,公司名称) Values("
281: SQL = SQL & "'" & trim(request.form("name")) & "',"
282: SQL = SQL & "'" & trim(request.form("Gender")) & "',"
283: SQL = SQL & "'" & trim(request.form("email")) & "',"
284: SQL = SQL & "'" & trim(request.form("company-name")) & "'"
285: SQL = SQL & ")"
286: Set Rs = OBJConn.Execute(SQL)
288: SQL = "update 用户基本信息
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