'Option Explicit
Server.Scripttimeout = 1000
On Error Resume Next
' Define your sql info here
strSQLDSN = "xxxx"
strSQLUsername = "sa"
strSQLPassword = ""
' This is where we connect to our sql server
Set adoConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
ConnectionString = "dsn=" & strSQLDSN & ";uid=" & strSQLUsername & ";pwd=" & strSQLPassword & ""
adoConn.Open ConnectionString
'Set adoRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
' get sql from ip.txt
Set fso = Server.Createobject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
If fso.Fileexists(Server.Mappath("ip.txt")) then
Set a = fso.OpenTextFile(Server.Mappath("ip.txt"), 1, False)
Do While a.AtEndOfStream <> True
sql = a.readline
adoConn.Execute (sql)
set a = nothing
Response.Write "文件没找到"
End if
Set fso = Nothing
'Error Handle
If err.number <> 0 then
' this code come from http://bigeagle.wotoo.com
strMsg = strMsg + "********************************************" + vbcrlf
strMsg = strMsg + "错误时间:" + CStr(Now()) + vbcrlf
strMsg = strMsg + "错误类型:Err错误" + vbcrlf
strMsg = strMsg + "错误号 :" + CStr(Err.Number) + vbcrlf
strMsg = strMsg + "错误源 :" + Err.Source + vbcrlf
strMsg = strMsg + "错误描述:" + Err.Description + vbcrlf
strMsg = strMsg + "*********************************************" + vbcrlf
strLogMsg = strLogMsg + "*****************************************" + vbcrlf
strLogMsg = strLogMsg + "错误时间:" + CStr(Now()) + vbcrlf
strLogMsg = strLogMsg + "错误类型:Err错误" + vbcrlf
strLogMsg = strLogMsg + "错误号 :" + CStr(Err.Number) + vbcrlf
strLogMsg = strLogMsg + "错误源 :" + Err.Source + vbcrlf
strLogMsg = strLogMsg + "错误描述:" + Err.Description + vbcrlf
strMsg = strMsg + "********************************************" + vbcrlf
Response.Write strMsg
End If
'Option Explicit
Server.Scripttimeout = 1000
On Error Resume Next
' Define your sql info here
strSQLDSN = "xxxx"
strSQLUsername = "sa"
strSQLPassword = ""
' This is where we connect to our sql server
Set adoConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
ConnectionString = "dsn=" & strSQLDSN & ";uid=" & strSQLUsername & ";pwd=" & strSQLPassword & ""
adoConn.Open ConnectionString
'Set adoRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
' get sql from ip.txt
Set fso = Server.Createobject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
If fso.Fileexists(Server.Mappath("ip.txt")) then
Set a = fso.OpenTextFile(Server.Mappath("ip.txt"), 1, False)
Do While a.AtEndOfStream <> True
sql = a.readline
adoConn.Execute (sql)
set a = nothing
Response.Write "文件没找到"
End if
Set fso = Nothing
'Error Handle
If err.number <> 0 then
' this code come from http://bigeagle.wotoo.com
strMsg = strMsg + "********************************************" + vbcrlf
strMsg = strMsg + "错误时间:" + CStr(Now()) + vbcrlf
strMsg = strMsg + "错误类型:Err错误" + vbcrlf
strMsg = strMsg + "错误号 :" + CStr(Err.Number) + vbcrlf
strMsg = strMsg + "错误源 :" + Err.Source + vbcrlf
strMsg = strMsg + "错误描述:" + Err.Description + vbcrlf
strMsg = strMsg + "*********************************************" + vbcrlf
strLogMsg = strLogMsg + "*****************************************" + vbcrlf
strLogMsg = strLogMsg + "错误时间:" + CStr(Now()) + vbcrlf
strLogMsg = strLogMsg + "错误类型:Err错误" + vbcrlf
strLogMsg = strLogMsg + "错误号 :" + CStr(Err.Number) + vbcrlf
strLogMsg = strLogMsg + "错误源 :" + Err.Source + vbcrlf
strLogMsg = strLogMsg + "错误描述:" + Err.Description + vbcrlf
strMsg = strMsg + "********************************************" + vbcrlf
Response.Write strMsg
End If