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作者:采集员 文章来源:来源于网络 点击数: 更新时间:2005-9-10 13:35:59
  ':::   BMP, GIF, JPG and PNG                                     :::
  ':::                                                             :::
  ':::  This function gets a specified number of bytes from any    :::
  ':::  file, starting at the offset (base 1)                      :::
  ':::                                                             :::
  ':::  Passed:                                                    :::
  ':::       flnm        => Filespec of file to read               :::
  ':::       offset      => Offset at which to start reading       :::
  ':::       bytes       => How many bytes to read                 :::
  ':::                                                             :::
  function GetBytes(flnm, offset, bytes)
     Dim objFSO
     Dim objFTemp
     Dim objTextStream
     Dim lngSize
     on error resume next
     Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
     ' First, we get the filesize
     Set objFTemp = objFSO.GetFile(flnm)
     lngSize = objFTemp.Size
     set objFTemp = nothing
     fsoForReading = 1
     Set objTextStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(flnm, fsoForReading)
     if offset > 0 then
        strBuff = objTextStream.Read(offset - 1)
     end if
     if bytes = -1 then         ' Get All!
        GetBytes = objTextStream.Read(lngSize)  'ReadAll
        GetBytes = objTextStream.Read(bytes)
     end if
     set objTextStream = nothing
     set objFSO = nothing
  end function

  ':::                                                             :::
  ':::  Functions to convert two bytes to a numeric value (long)   :::
  ':::  (both little-endian and big-endian)                        :::
  ':::                                                             :::
  function lngConvert(strTemp)
     lngConvert = clng(asc(left(strTemp, 1)) + ((asc(right(strTemp, 1)) * 256)))
  end function
  function lngConvert2(strTemp)
     lngConvert2 = clng(asc(right(strTemp, 1)) + ((asc(left(strTemp, 1)) * 256)))
  end function
  ':::                                                             :::
  ':::  This function does most of the real work. It will attempt  :::
  ':::  to read any file, regardless of the extension, and will    :::
  ':::  identify if it is a graphical image.                       :::
  ':::                                                             :::
  ':::  Passed:                                                    :::
  ':::       flnm        => Filespec of file to read               :::
  ':::       width       => width of image                         :::
  ':::       height      => height of image                        :::
  ':::       depth       => color depth (in number of colors)      :::
  ':::       strImageType=> type of image (e.g. GIF, BMP, etc.)    :::
  ':::                                                             :::
  function gfxSpex(flnm, width, height, depth, strImageType)
     dim strPNG
     dim strGIF
     dim strBMP
     dim strType
     strType = "&qu

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