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作者:采集员 文章来源:来源于网络 点击数: 更新时间:2005-9-10 14:26:35
<TITLE>JSP Bean Example</TITLE>


<!-- Set the scripting language to java -->
<%@ page language="java" %>

<!-- Instantiate the Counter bean with an id of "counter" -->
<jsp:useBean id="counter" scope="session" class="Counter" />

<!-- Set the bean's count property to the value of -->
<!-- the request parameter "count", using the -->
<!-- jsp:setProperty action. -->
<jsp:setProperty name="counter" property="count" param="count" />


// write the current value of the property count
out.println("Count from scriptlet code : "
+ counter.getCount() + "<BR>");


<!-- Get the bean's count property, -->
<!-- using the jsp:getProperty action. -->
Count from jsp:getProperty :
<jsp:getProperty name="counter" property="count" /><BR>


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