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作者:采集员 文章来源:来源于网络 点击数: 更新时间:2005-9-10 14:34:34

这代码小片断使用PHP在后台启动Microsoft Word、打开一个新文件、键入一些文本、保存该文件然后关闭应用程序:

// create a reference to a new COM component (Word)
$word = new COM("word.application") or die("Can't start Word!");

// print the version of Word that's now in use
echo "Loading Word, v. {$word->Version}<br>";

// set the visibility of the application to 0 (false)
// to open the application in the forefront, use 1 (true)
$word->Visible = 0;

// create a new document in Word

// add text to the new document
$word->Selection->TypeText("Testing 1-2-3...");

//save the document in the Windows temp directory

// close the connection to the COM component

// print another message to the screen
echo "Check for the file...";

假设你正在运行一个内联网Web站点,该站点把数据存放在Microsoft SQL Server数据库内,你的用户需要Excel格式的数据。那么,你可以让PHP执行必要的SQL查询并且格式化输出结果,然后使用COM启动Excel,把数据传输给它,最后再把文件存储到用户的桌面系统内。

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