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完整的访问统计程序(二 程序篇)
作者:采集员 文章来源:来源于网络 点击数: 更新时间:2005/9/10 13:56:18
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/* dbcn.asp
   创建数据库连接的 公用程序
  function OpenConn()
     dim ConnStr
     dim uid
     dim pwd
     dim db
     Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
     ConnStr="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;UID=" & uid & ";PWD=" & pwd & ";database=" & db & ";server=" & Softserver & ""
     Conn.Open ConnStr
     set OpenConn=Conn
  end function
  function OpenRst()
     set Rst=Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")
     set OpenRst=Rst
  end function
<!--#include file="dbcn.asp"-->
   set conn=openConn()
   set rst=openRst()
   sub WriteDateTable(intStart,intEnd,strArray,ccount)
        <table border=1 width=100%>
           <%for i= intStart to intEnd%>
              <td width=30%><%=strArray(i)%></td>
              <td width=60%>
                 if rst.eof then
                    setbar 0,ccount
                    if rst(1)=i then
                       setbar rst(3),ccount
               if not rst.eof then rst.movenext
                       setbar 0,ccount
                    end if
                 end if
   end sub
   sub setBar(num,ccount)
     if ccount=0 then
     end if   
       <img src="<%=strGif%>" width="<%=percent+5%>" height=10><font color=red><%=percent%>%</font>
     <td align=center>
   end sub
   sub writeDayStatic(userid)
   dim strArray(100)
   for i=0 to 23
      strArray(i)= cStr(i) & "点--" & cstr(i+1) & "点"
   set rst=openRst()
   strSQL="select sum(num) as ccount from dateStatic where userid='" & userid & "'"
   rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3
   if isnull(Rst("ccount")) then
   end if
   strSQL="select * from dateStatic where userid='" & userid & "' order by hourid"
   set rst=openRst()
   rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3
<table border=1 width=100%>
    <tr height=100%>
       <td width=50%><% WriteDateTable 0, 11, strArray ,ccount %></td>
       <td width=50%><%WriteDateTable 12, 23, strArray ,ccount %></td>
end sub
   sub writeWeekStatic(userid)
   dim strArray(7)
   strSQL="select sum(num) as ccount from weekStatic where userid='" & userid & "'"
   set rst=openRst()
   rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3
   if isnull(Rst("ccount")) then
   end if
   strSQL="select * from WeekStatic where userid='" & userid & "' order by dayid"
   set rst=openRst()
   rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3
     <table border=1 width=100%>
       <tr height=100%>
          <td width=100%><% WriteDateTable 0, 6, strArray ,ccount %></td>
   end sub
   sub writeMonthStatic(userid)
   dim strArray(32)
   for i=1 to  31
     strArray(i)=cStr(i) & "日"
   strSQL="select sum(num) as ccount from MonthStatic where userid='" & userid & "'"
   set rst=openRst()
   rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3
   if isnull(Rst("ccount")) then
   end if
   strSQL="select * from MonthStatic where userid='" & userid & "' order by dayid"
   set rst=openRst()
   rst.open strSQL,conn,3,3
     <table border=1 width=100%>
       <tr height=100%>
          <td width=50%><% WriteDateTable 1, 16, strArray ,ccount %></td>
          <td width=50%><% WriteDateTable 17, 31, strArray ,ccount %></td>
   end sub

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